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3/5/25 Newsletter

Writer's picture: Jake James VanekJake James Vanek

Hello, everyone! Happy Wednesday and Happy March! So close to Spring!


We are here yet again for another weekly newsletter and all day I’ve been feeling like a need to focus this newsletter on health and preventative care. Now I’m not a doctor nor health care professional (not a lawyer, not a psychologist, not a XYZ), I’m a psychic. But! I do have my own experiences as well as years of professional readings where people have come to me with such varying degrees of all kinds of issues which allowed me to gleam some information.


This week though…health and preventative care. All forms of Health regarding your Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Bodies. The interconnectivity of them all. How your gut influences your mind. How your emotions influence the chemistry of your blood. How your emotions and thoughts interact with one another. How your day-to-day energy levels are comprised of your physicality along with your dominant belief and thought constructs. The list goes on and on!


I’ve read many people whose loved ones stream through from Spirit in readings. Spirits detailing how they ignored a lot of issues until it was either too late to do anything or they left their bodies as a result of XYZ gone undetected. Willingness to forgoes any form of healthcare whether it be through a traditional practitioner of western medicine, an alternative practitioner of XYZ (hopefully with credentials and actual experience), and/or someone else trained in some sort of Mind/Body/Spirit Care.


March 2025. What if this week can usher into a month of examining our bodies. 


Physical Body: Anything of concern? Have you been ignoring anything? Have you been wanting to make a lifestyle change to assist your Physicality to operate more smoothly and for your betterment? 


Mental Body: How have your dominant, day-to-day mental patterns been? Have you noticed what triggers you into a series of thought patterns which feel like anchors dragging you down into a pit? Have you been thinking that you’re equipped to handle life and adapt/modify to life’s challenges? Have you been perceiving yourself as your own enemy?


Emotional Body: What have you been feeling mostly throughout your day over the last 2 months in 2025? Are you ignoring a feeling because you don’t want to look at something which will cause you grief? Have you emotionally processed something which has been trying to grab your attention in the form of a memory flashback?


Spiritual Body: Are you feeling the Guiding Hand of the Divine aligning you and walking beside you? Are you feeling connected to the Tapestry of life?


I could go on and on with these questions (a mini questionnaire, if you will). I really feel like March 2025 is the Assessment month so we can be honest with ourselves which we can then transform into positive, right action to take the appropriate steps to help us navigate life with more confidence, ease, trust, and flexibility. 


Like my own personal health journey! I’ll attach a blog entry that I wrote today concerning what I’ve been dealing with since November 2024….Gout. This was on top of my lower abdominal injury which I had to heal the majority of 2024 then this bad boy came into my awareness and…I would never wish this amount of pain on anyone! Dear god, it is awful! But I am managing it.


My Aunt’s recent passing definitely drove me to get a physical checkup. Good thing I did because I was able to then go to this practitioner to help me navigate this Gout diagnosis and then the other members of my now treatment team. Then! There was also my Mental Body helper in the form of a therapist! I told you about my time in therapy and I’m so glad I had this person to also help me navigate this physical issue. So you can see the interrelatedness of my Bodies and the appropriate Treatment Team Members all working in some form of cohesion to help me.


Yeah the Gout thing has been interesting. I’ve actually had to cancel and/or reschedule readings due to some of those challenges! Now I’m on a plan so it is manageable, but definitely jarring.


So! Reader! March 2025 and preventative care and a health assessment. 


Is there someone who can help you? I know there definitely is! What do you need assistance with? I know that Higher Mind will lead you to whoever is capable to walk with you as you attune yourself to a better state of homeostasis.

I don’t have much else to report! I just really think March 2025 is an assessment month concerning all our Bodies and then just reflecting on how they are all connected to one another. I finally got back to the gym today after nearly 10 months and I’m super excited because it can help me ground into physicality and to help alleviate these anxiety spurts I’ve been experiencing lately. So odd! 


I do have my fair on 3/29/25. You can go to the events page on my website. This is the only time (and future fairs) where I offer 30 minute readings.


I hope you all have a lovely week!




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