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Astrology Services Are Birthing

Writer's picture: Jake James VanekJake James Vanek

As July 2024 draws near to its end, I find myself immersed in a brushfire sparked by Higher Mind to fertilize the soil to further my Astrological studies.

I'm more of an intermediate-level student of Astrology. This Art & Science has been a part of my life more strongly in 2024 and now there's a spark (Knight of Wands) to carry me further along this study. Yesterday, I purchased more books by Stephen Arroyo and Bernadette Brady using a gift card I received for my recent birthday. It seems that there is a new alignment, configuration of the astrological energies beckoning me to deepen.

In 2023, I did 5 free Astrology Audio Reads. I like to first offer new services as free so I can get my bearings straight (Hello to my Mars in Virgo) and then develop a new, formal service which would require a fee for the service. They went very well and I received testimonials of those that I read. I was more into Sidereal/Vedic Astrology, but the winds of change brought me to Tropical/Western Astrology.

I did those Astrology Audio Reads using the client's birth chart as a Totem to birth Psychic Impressions within my mind tool. My foundational knowledge of Astrology were a template for my mind tool to focus upon which then sparked those Psychic Impressions.

I'm familiar with the dynamics of the culture of Astrologers and how claiming to be Psychic while practicing Astrology is a "no no". However, I am a Psychic Medium first and I actually will always follow the impressions in my mind tool over what the "rule book" states XYZ interpretation means.

I find myself on a new Quest from Higher Mind to absorb more knowledge about the intricacies of Astrological configurations so that my mind tool has more vocabulary and more data in an energy bank for the Psychic Impressions to mold/form.

Learning more about my own Natal Chart and the Transits influencing my chart has greatly impacted my life for the better. I can see more about the cosmic orchestrations and this helps me also reveal more layers of my Psyche.

As I write about throughout my website, my readings are not focused to dive deep within my client's Psyche to explore the depths of the Soul/Mind/Body complex. My readings are about the current energy momentum that my client is brewing which is validated by Past/Present/Future Evidential Information. Sometimes there may be information to help perceive things differently or to help a person acknowledge a Shadow or Golden aspect of their Personality/Soul Construct. But! It really is mostly about the client's questions about his/her life path along with breadcrumbs to follow. And obviously...mediumship/spirit communication is an entirely different service and skill to provide evidence of consciousness existing outside of the physical body.

Now though..I feel like this directive from Higher Mind is to help me develop a new service to submerge into a client's Natal Chart. To see the archetypal patterns. To see the cosmic influences. To have this Foundation of a Chart for Psychic Impressions to formulate around which will provide a new offering to help a person take a step back to understand the etheric coding comprised within his/her Complex.

Technically trained I'm not even a Technically trained Psychic Medium since I allowed Life to teach me without a formal teacher.

I'll always be a Psychic Medium first and the years I've been doing readings and exercising my psychic and mediumistic skills showed me my talents which are now asking to be augmented and taken in a new direction.

Just like with Tarot Cards, my interpretation and what I receive in my mind tool will override any declared, acceptable prediction housed in a tarot book.

I don't strive to be an Astrologer that is solely focused on the material written by those from yesteryear. Astrology is a Science, but it is absolutely an Art which is the Spirit that breathes into the Musician as he plays the Piano.

I really enjoy Predictive work. I can see myself swimming in my mind tool for information and then review the Transits of my client to see what else I can pick up on while also confirming what relayed into my mind tool using the wisdom I extracted from my psychic and mediumistic experiences.

I'll be a Psychic Astrologer and I will just continue to stick by myself since I know that this title will be shunned by those who are hardcore Science Astrologers.

The Chart is like a Tarot Card. It is ultimately a Totem. It is a Tool for energy to use for information to shape and provide a new lens within my own lens of perception and frame of reference.

A service that will have the Chart guide the reading while I open to my psychic and mediumistic skillsets as that is the Compass which I rely on solely in my readings.

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