Yes! Another morning writing session after a lovely morning exercise. I visualized using paint and a paintbrush to clear my Chakras while my body was on autopilot. I'll eventually write something regarding this visualization technique and it really did assist me with imaging a clearer color spectrum for each of my energy centers.
I am inspired to write about Crown Chakra Blockages. I'm going to write some suggestions to assist you with clearing the blockages and maybe you'll find yourself implementing some of them.
To be clear...everyone is an Individual, therefore, we can never find ourselves trying to state that XYZ worked for one person so XYZ should work for another. There are nuances! However, I believe that these suggestions should be a great starting point for everyone.
What does it feel like to experience your Crown Chakra blocked?
*You may feel disconnected from Higher Mind - the Lifestream.
*You may find it difficult to perceive purpose in your life.
*You may feel rejected from The Force of Life and without direction in your life.
*You may find it troubling to imagine your life has meaning and that you're guided with each decision to make.
I'm sure there are more experiences that may manifest from a blocked Crown Chakra, but I think those mentioned above are important to identify.
Now...what to do about this?
Remember that since we are all Individuals...we all have varying degrees of imbalances within out Mental, Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Bodies. But! I think these suggestions can help everyone despite not knowing the specific makeup of an individual.
I think these suggestions should be implemented just for 7 days to start off. I do not recommend overloading yourself with too much since it may be daunting and you may find yourself rejecting all of these suggestions.
Take it slow. You are Training. As I always do not wake up one morning deciding to run a marathon and then the next day you run the marathon.
1) For 7 days...take a tech-cleanse. I recommend deleting all social media apps from your phone (even YouTube). Only use technology for work, communication, and to listen to music.
2) Daily walks for 45 minutes. You can find the time that fits you best. I like to do it 30 minutes after I wake up and go to the gym. Walk in nature. Walk at a gym. Just get your body moving (if you can) and this will enable you to swim in your Mind Tool, begin practicing observing your thoughts without engaging with them, and you'll find yourself in a state to receive Inspiration more easily. Breadcrumbs...not the entire '10 Commandments'.
You can listen to your favorite music! You don't need to listen to "spiritual music". I am so happy that I get to listen to music in the morning now that I returned to my morning exercise routine.
3) Journal every other day or 3 times during this week. I like to use a sketch book to journal with my box of markers.
4) Refrain from using any form of substances especially alcohol. Now cannabis...could be an effective tool, but that depends on your relationship to cannabis. Also, I enjoy drinking coffee in the morning so it is up to you if you wish to discontinue ingesting any form of caffeine.
5) Do a Creative Project everyday. You do not need to be the next great artist. Doodle. Draw. Paint. You can even play a musical instrument! This helps you to stimulate your Psychic Art Mind and this also heals your Logic Mind to enable both of your Minds to blend together in a lovely marriage.
6) Be curious! Ask questions! Resist the need to receive an immediate answer as well as release your expectations on how the answer will form as well as get to you. You can even write a list of questions.
7) Pray. I pray every morning. I request guidance from Higher Mind. I request protection from Higher Mind. Formulate your prayer as you see fit. There's not "right way" to pray.
The goal is for you to release yourself from what is clogging your Mind Tool with distraction and nonsense...especially consuming meaningless forms of media and the tornado of falsehoods housed within social media.
You want to become more Inward-Focused.
Now! You can also modify your diet. We cannot discount the power of how what we eat influences our physicality and then the other bodies housed within our Complex. Obviously...try to reduce consumption of processed foods, sugar, and all that which isn't nourishing. You may not want to do this for these 7 days, but down the road you could feel inspired to do so.
I hope these help you!